Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Post of Importance... Kind of.

Today was a pretty big day for me. I didn't have too many appointments, but the one I did have was definitely an important one. I'd been waiting for this one for a while, thanks to the military and their stupid scheduling system, I have to make my appointments months in advance, so it's always a waiting game. Anyway, said appointment wasn't until 1510, so let's just back up a bit.

I woke up at 1030, still sleepy, of course. I was expecting the ThriveRx ladies to come by soon, so I couldn't go back to bed after I unhooked. They got here at around 1130 or so, and we discussed my history and my condition, my TPN options, etc. We also talked about Thrive and what they do, and I'm very interested in switching from Amerita to ThriveRx. They were extremely helpful and nice and I still can't believe they came from Denver for free to see me. They suggested something to add to my TPN that could possibly help me with my weight, but of course I forgot what they said, so I'll have to add that in later. *facepalm*

The thing they wanted to look into is called Carnitine.

(Carnitine plays a critical role in energy production. It transports long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria so they can be oxidized ("burned") to produce energy. It also transports the toxic compounds generated out of this cellular organelle to prevent their accumulation. Given these key functions, carnitine is concentrated in tissues like skeletal and cardiac muscle that utilize fatty acids as a dietary fuel. The body makes sufficient carnitine to meet the needs of most people. For genetic or medical reasons, some individuals (such as preterm infants), cannot make enough, so for them carnitine is a conditionally essential nutrient)

They left at like 1300, and then I had to get ready to go to Evans for our appointments. John had one at 1400, so I had to go with him. I waited for his doc with him until around 1445, then headed to my GI appointment by myself. I never have to wait too long for my GI appointments, so it wasn't too bad. And John was able to come to my appointment with me for the first time in forever for GI, so that was nice.

My GI doctor is Dr. Peter McNally, and he's pretty well-known across the country. I'm very lucky to have such a thorough and intelligent GI doc. We talked about how my symptoms were doing and whether the Xifaxan he prescribed me last month worked at all (it didn't), and we decided to try Flagyl this time to see how I do on that. He suggested I look into getting what's called a "bedge" which is a foam pillow-like thing that's wedge-shaped; it's supposed to help with GERD and acid reflux by keeping you elevated. We discussed my appointment with Hirano I had in New York, and he seemed pretty disappointed at how that went (same here, doc) but accepted the prognosis. When I asked him about having a G-tube placed, and explained that I knew the risks but I felt like it would help me, he told me he can see how I would benefit from it, but because of all the surgeries I have had, he wouldn't want to go that route unless I went in for surgery again. So basically, a G-tube will not be placed unless I absolutely have to be cut open again. Which is totally understandable, and that answer is much better than what Dr. Jung told me. At least McNally explained WHY. He also said that option would definitely be something to look into if it comes to surgery again.

After that appointment we went to see my case manager, Johelen, to tell her about ThriveRx and see what she could do about helping us switch, and to see if we could get Tricare to cover a "bedge"... Hopefully it works out with Thrive, because they seem much more knowledgeable about everything and much more efficient as far as supplies and TPN goes, so I would really REALLY rather have them as my infusion company. As for the "bedge" I don't know if Tricare will cover that, but it's worth a shot. May as well ask, right?

So that was today. Friday I have my iron infusion, so I'll have to hook up my TPN a few hours early the night before. Have to be at the cancer center at 0830 and I'll be there for about 5 hours for the infusion. Yay. Thank goodness I don't have anything tomorrow. I just want to take a day to sleep.

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