Sometimes I wonder why I get into the things I do. Allow me to explain.
I have thrown myself into the world of buying, selling, and trading things online, for kicks as well as because I need to get rid of a lot of crap. However I had no idea how much work it entailed, and I have officially buried myself. I have ordered shipping supplies off ebay, amazon, and papermart. I ordered ink for my printer so I can print shipping labels (I also needed ink anyway, so even better excuse). I have junk laying out all over the place, surrounding my desk chair; it's getting ridiculous and it's only been like a week.
I guess it's the best way to keep myself busy... That and writing letters/sending cards when I can. I'm just trying to take my mind off of the campaign for a little bit. It seems like the same people are sharing my link every day, which is awesome, but there's not enough shares. People just see it and scroll past it, I just know it. Or maybe that's just me being my Negative Nancy self again.
I had my iron infusion yesterday. I definitely do not remember having any side effects with my first one, but yesterday's made me want to kill myself. After the infusion, I was nauseous all day and night, vomited at like 3am, and lost a lot of sleep. Then earlier today my hip joints decided to play 'let's fuck with Melissa' and I felt like I had been hit by a bus! I fixed that, though, by taking a hot bath with my eucalyptus oil and some pain killers. I feel much better, thank goodness. I swear, that hip pain is right up there with abdominal pain on my list of the worst feelings ever.
Tomorrow is going to be fun. We're going to have lunch and see Last Vegas with our GI Granny, Terry. I enjoy spending Saturday afternoons with her. It's nice to get out and forget about everything.
I'm off to paint my nails, now! I got my brushes in the mail today so I'm super excited to try them out.
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