My body has been kicking my butt lately. My temp is all over the place, I'm always freezing and I overheat if I turn the heat on for even a few minutes. I'm constantly sore. I don't know why it's been so bad this week, but I'm not digging it. I feel like pulling out my hair and screaming.
A few quick updates, I guess. We tried Cathflo for the third time Monday, this time for two hours. It kind of worked? I guess...? I mean Tina eventually got some blood, so yeah. It just took forever. And ever since whenever I flush/draw back, my port doesn't budge. It takes me a few tries to actually get it to work. So I'm starting to get a little worried about it.
To make matters worse, and more complicated, my PCM, Dr. Jung, is deploying soon, so I am left without a PCM and I now need to find one who would be willing to handle my case. Not that I ask much of my PCMs to begin with, besides med refills. But looking at my record, I'm sure anyone would be taken aback by my history... I just don't know any more doctors, so it's going to be a freaking blast figuring this out.
I finally got what I needed for my wheelchair to happen. We were having some issues with having to have a physical evaluation and who was going to do it and blah blah blah. But now that should be taken care of. But who knows when I'll actually get my chair.
It's just been a really hectic few weeks I guess. Aside from my amazing experiences with the horses... Although John and I did go to an art class yesterday, and we're going to go every Wednesday. I am, anyway. It just depends on his appointments whether he goes or not. I think it's more watercolor-oriented, but that's fine by me. It's keeping me entertained and busy, and I am okay with that. I haven't had time to browse Facebook in a couple days, and I feel pretty good about that, too.
Today was a pretty good one. I stayed offline for the most part and we went to have dinner at Terry's house. She made chicken, mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli, and biscuits. It was super yummy, but now of course I'm bloated and a little nauseated. Terry also had me pick out one of my drawings to have ironed on a t-shirt, and since most of my artwork consists of nude women, haha, I chose to put Harley Quinn on it. I'll take a picture of it tomorrow.
It was a really nice time and I enjoy spending time with her and learning about her life. It's nice to forget about everything I have going on.
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