Monday, February 4, 2013

Shouldn't have eaten that pizza.

I hate not being able to enjoy food. I mean, I can enjoy it, I guess. But the aftermath completely sucks. Sometimes even during the eating process, it sucks. My stomach gets all crampy and bubbly, and sometimes (TMI ALERT) I lose control of my bowels. This is actually a problem I have to deal with all day, every day, and it is probably the most embarrassing part of dealing with MNGIE. I can say with confidence that every last bit of modesty that I once had has completely jumped out the window. I warned you, and so did the blog before you entered it.
Anyway. Aside from my uncontrollable angry bowels, I also bloat. And the bloating isn't like menstrual bloating. Not just a little bit of pressure every once in a while, oh no. It's more like a sudden 7-month pregnancy bloating. It literally looks like I'm carrying a child. I used to be self-conscious about this, but ever since all the hospital stays, like I said, modesty is gone. I don't even wear bras anymore. No shame, it's the best thing I've ever decided for myself.
I just finished writing a letter to my friend, Bre. She was my first and only friend I made at Berry, when I attended. We instantly clicked, it was amazing. I got a card from her in the mail today and she has requested we be pen pals and start writing letters more. I love this idea. I wish more people would start writing to me. Letters mean so much and reading them, especially when they're long, helps to take my mind off things.
I also wish I were a cat. I mean look at him, he looks so comfy and cozy.
He's even snoring.
This was a totally random blog post. I just feel a need to get my thoughts out tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Good morning Melissa. Thank you for sharing the TMI...sorry about your tummy crap... lol
    Listen. Puts my eye pain in perspective.
    what is your address. I will write you esp. since I hate the computer lol... my handwriting is horrid, sorry...
